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The information contained on this website is provided for informational purposes only, and should not be construed as legal advice or representation on any matter.
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The Firm disclaims all liability with respect to actions taken or not taken based on any information on this website to the fullest extent permitted by law. No warranties of any kind, whether expressed, implied, or statutory, including, but not limited to, the warranties of non-infringement of third-party rights, title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or freedom from computer viruses, are given with respect to the contents or operation of this website or its links to other internet resources. Do not act or refrain from acting on any information on this website without seeking the advice of a licensed attorney. Construction or intrepretation of the disclaimers on this website are governed by the laws of the State of Tennessee.
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Any media posted on Huret Law Firm PLLC’s (the “Firm”) social media channels is intended for a general overview and discussion of the subjects and topics dealt with, and does not create an attorney-client relationship. Any posts on the Firm’s social media channels are not intended to be, nor should be used as, a substitute for taking legal advice from a licensed attorney in any specific situation. The Firm accepts no responsibility for any actions taken or not taken on the basis of any posts on the Firm’s social media channels. All videos, podcasts, or any other media published by the Firm remains the Firm’s copyright with all rights reserved or under the copyright of the original creator.
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The map used on this website is published on the web by Google, and sourced under an open license. The boundaries, names shown, and the designations used on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of Huret Law Firm PLLC or its owner, agents, or employees with respect to the legal status of any country, territory, city, or area, or the delineation of any frontiers or boundaries.