Make An Online Payment

Pay Invoice

Please click the Pay Invoice button if you are a client wanting to pay an invoice with a balance owing by either credit card or eCheck.  The firm’s Invoice Payment page, which is securely hosted by LawPay, will open in a new window.  To ensure your online payment is correctly applied to your matter, please have your Invoice Number before proceeding, which is located in the upper right corner of the first page.  Please complete the required fields and click the Submit Payment button.

Pay Retainer

Please click the Pay Retainer button if you are a client replenshing a retainer for an existing matter.  The firm’s Trust Payment page, which is securely hosted by LawPay, will open in a new window.  To ensure your retainer is correctly applied to your matter, please have your Invoice Number  before proceeding, which is located in the upper right corner of the first page.  Please complete the required fields and click the Submit Payment button.                 

Please be advised there is a 3.0% processing charge for any online credit card payment or a 1.0% processing charge for any online eCheck payment.